Submission Guidelines

Before submitting projects to the Spieler Agency, check the listings of our individual agents and see if any particular agent shows a general interest in your subject (e.g. history, memoir, YA, etc.).

Please send all queries either by e-mail or regular mail. If you query us by regular mail, we can only reply to you if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

We will do our best to respond to all queries, but sometimes the volume is so high that we are unable to. If this happens, we apologize. Should we be interested in your query, you will likely hear back from us within approximately two to three weeks.

If your book is non-fiction, and we would like to know more about it, we will ask you to send us a proposal. If you’ve never prepared one—or even if you have—you may want to have a look at one of the many websites that offer information about crafting a proper proposal. You may also wish to read Michael Larsen’s How To Write a Book Proposal, which is still the Gold Standard on this topic.

We appreciate all queries. But please note that most publishers today are highly selective about what they publish, and often decline to consider works by unknown or uncredentialed writers. We do our best to overcome these strictures for our clients, but they are powerful obstacles.

We look forward to hearing from you.